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Upcoming 2021 Ambassador A-team Elections

Feb 12, 2021
Ain Indermitte
Ain Indermitte About the author

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The ONF Ambassador Program empowers anyone knowledgeable and passionate about ONF projects and initiatives to promote these in their part of the world. The program provides a simple framework and tools to help organize or attend events, recruit and mentor new contributors, and support a local developer community. The ONF Ambassador Program is proud to support over 50 ambassadors in 24 countries!

The A-team is the ONF Ambassador Program’s 5-member body that oversees and manages the program. The team is tasked to ensure that the Ambassador Program runs smoothly and that Ambassadors across the globe are fully supported. A-team members are directly nominated and elected by the ONF community. We want to extend a warm thank you to the 2020 A-team for serving in this capacity:

JianHao Chen
Ain Indermitte
Lukasz Lukowski
Aris Cahyadi Risdianto
Scott Swail

It is the time of the year when we will be electing new members to the A-team. We wish to thank Aris Cahyadi Risdianto (National University of Singapore, Singapore) and JianHao Chen (Edgecore Networks, Hsinchu, Taiwan) for their service the past two years! However, their term is now coming to an end and we will be electing two new A-team members for the next two years.

The first action ONF would like you to take is to make sure you are on the voting list. Please check Ambassador ST Voting List 2021. If you are not on the list, but are an active ambassador, a member company representative, or have made code contributions to any ONF project during 2020; or if the list has incorrect information about you, please contact jo@onfstaging1.opennetworking.org.

Secondly, ONF encourages you to submit nominations for the vacant positions. We are looking for nominations for the following positions:

Ambassador Program ST (aka, A-team) member - two (2) open positions

Send your nominations to jo@onfstaging1.opennetworking.org. The last day to accept nominations will be Monday, February 22.  We look forward to hearing from you! For reference: you can find the Ambassador Program governance here.
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Ain IndermitteHead of Developer Relations
Ain's extensive career in the developer relations, program management, mobile software, enterprise SaaS, and telecommunications disciplines spans Nokia, Microsoft, MobileIron, and ServiceNow. He has worked in Estonia, Finland, California, and Texas, and has traveled considerably around the globe for business. Ain is currently serving as Head of Developer Relations at the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), focusing on community leadership, developer tools, training, and member engagement - with the goal of transforming the telecommunications industry through the adoption of software defined networking and open source software. Ain is married with five children and a dog. During his free time, he likes to hike or bike to beautiful places and fly his drones.